Sunday, January 19, 2020

Poem- Rain

                                                           Lesson plan
Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Poem- Rain
Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 3-4


        To enhance the new vocabulary and pronunciation.
       To enrich the reading skills.
       To develop positive attitude towards learning.
       To enhance the grammatical knowledge.
Students will be able to
       To make them able to read correct pronunciation.
       Students will be able to identify rhyming words.
       Students will be able to understand the hidden/symbolic meaning of poem.
       They will be aware about their nature and different seasons.
Image result for rain,class-2-poem-rain-lesson-plan
Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking
Social norms:  Understanding , importance of things , affection for home
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic
Teaching Aids : Marigold Book, PPT, Video, green board
Teaching strategies: Discussion cum explanation method, lecture method
 Art Integration:
       With the help of art teacher the students will  draw the picture of rainy season.
Vocabulary: Few examples are given :
1.      Field
2.      Rain
3.      Window
4.      Umbrella
5.      Ships
6.      Trees
7.      Sea
Activity I Pk testing: Before starting the poem  teacher will ask some questions to check the previous knowledge of students:-
Q: What do you do on a rainy day?
Q: How do you keep yourself dry in the rain?
Q: Do you like to play in water?
Q: Say what things live in water?
Q: Where does the rain fall?
Q: What do people use when it rains?
II Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic  that today we are going to recite the poem ‘ Rain ’
Activity III: Poem recitation:
The teacher will recite the poem Rain from the book  and give knowledge to them about how the rain is raining all around. The poem is recite with correct pause & stress and students are asked to follow the same. Teacher can ask them to use finger to follow the lines and underline the difficult words. Teacher will translate the poem in simple language.  The teacher will give everyone a chance to recite  and ensuring accuracy while reciting .
Activity IV
Teacher will encourage students if they have any memorable experience during rain then share it with class. Then teacher will sing a song on rain and ask students to sing another song on rain. Then teacher will show them the video of rain.
Teacher will recite and explain the poem again and difficult words will also be revised. Teacher will ask some questions to recapitalize the knowledge of students:-
Q) Have you heard the sound of rainfall?
Q) What sound does the rain make on umbrella?
Q) What sound does the rain make on the leaves of the trees?
Q) What sound does the rain make on your window?
Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking some oral and written test.
                                                       WRITTEN TEST
A. Write the Word meanings of the followings:-                                                          (4 marks)
1.Field                                                          2. Ship
      3.Sound                                                        4. Fall
B. Do rhyming words:-                                                                                                 (3 marks)
  1. tree–                 
  2. here-
  3. make-    
C. Opposite words:-                                                                                                     (3 marks)
1. Fast-        
2. Fall-        
3. Loose-                                   
                                                      ORAL TEST
Teacher will ask the students to recite poem without help of book.
LEARNING OUTCOME              
       Students are able to recite the poem with correct pronunciation.
       Students are  able to identify rhyming words.
       Students are able to understand the hidden/symbolic meaning of poem.
       They are aware about their nature and different seasons.

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