Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on English Grammar Topic 'Comprehension'

Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Comprehension

Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3



·        To develop students interest about grammar.

·        They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.

·        They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.


Students will be able to

·        Students will be able to engaged and think about what they are reading?

·        Students will be able to read independently .

·        They will be able to retain more information and knows more about text.

·        They will be able to discuss ideas, events  and information about the text.

Mind map


Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking

Social norms:  understanding , Sharing , Co-operation

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic

Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Text book


Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method


Art Integration: Students will read the passage and then draw picture of  main character.


Vocabulary: Few examples are given :

1.      Comprehension

2.      Passage

3.      Reading

4.      Underline

5.      Describe

6.      Strategy

7.      listen

Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing  the Passage:

1. Why is reading helpful?

2. Do you enjoy reading?

3. Do you follow punctuation mark while reading?

4. What is mean by silent reading?

5.How long should you read a day?

 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will tell students that today they will have the opportunity to show how much they know about letters and reading.

Activity II:

  • Now teacher will tell the students that today you will read the passage silently then I will asks some questions from  that passage. While reading, teacher will encourage students to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, students will read the story again then teacher encouraging students to “read” the story along with her.


Activity III Now students will discuss with their partner what they have read from that passage Teaher will provide a sentence frame for group discussion . “ The character is _____ because the text says ______. Teacher will encourage them to continue practicing reading through “Character emotion” by questioning  what characters  think, feel, say and do.


1.      What did you learn about a story in one of the passage that you have read today?

2.      What did you like best about independent reading?

3.      How could independent reading be helpful?

4.      Does reading enhance your thinking?

Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.

                                                  WRITTEN TEST

A. Read the passage and answer the question:-                                                          (10marks)

Anil was at school. He had new socks on his feet. His friends, Ali, looked at the socks and laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” Anil  asked.

“your socks are funny. One is brown and the other is white.”

“Are they not nice?” said Anil.” I have another new pair at home.

One is white and the other is brown. I will wear them tomorrow.”

Ali laughed louder. “What a fool!” he said to humself.

1.      Tick the correct answer:-

a)      Anil’s socks were

i)                    old

ii)                   new

b)      Ali laughed at Anil’s

i)                    socks

ii)                   clothes

c)      Anil was

i)                    foolish

ii)                   clever

d)      Anil bought

i)                    one pair of socks

ii)                   two pair of socks

e)      Anil was wearing

i)                    a pair of brown socks

ii)                   a white socks and a brown socks

B. Read the passage again. Underline the common names and circle the special names.                                                       (5 marks)

C.  Answer the following questions:-                                               (5 marks)                                       

Q1:- Where was Anil?

Q2:-Who was the friends of Ali?

Q3:- What was the colour of Anil’s socks?

Q4:-Whose socks was funny?

Q5:- Was anil foolish?

D.Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.

LEARNING OUTCOME                

·        Students are able to engaged and think about what they are reading?

·        Students  are able to read independently .

·        They are able to retain more information and knows more about text.

·        They are able to discuss ideas, events  and information about the text.

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