Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on English Poem 'First day at school'


                                                         Lesson Plan

Subject: English                                                   Book Name: Marigold (NCERT)

Topic: Poem-First day at school                                  Class: II


Subject Objective: 1.To enrich the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.                            

  2.To enhance the new vocabulary words                                                                                    

   3.To make correct use of grammar.  

4.Enable the students to read chapter with proper pronunciation, pauses etc.

Lesson objective:

·        Students will be able to summaries the poem in their own words.  Students will be able to know the importance of school.

·        Students will be able to remember the first day of school.

·        Students will be able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.

·        Students will develop love and care for animals.

Vocabulary: wonder, stares , teacher, puppy, drawing, gran

Life skills: giving and receiving, analysis, response, understanding

Social norms: sharing, co-operation, kindness, understanding,           

Senses used: eyes, ears, skin, tongue

Teaching material: teacher’s knowledge, books, green board, projector etc.

Teaching techniques: Explanation of the poem

Art integration: Draw the picture of The School  on notebook.

·        Role play (Act out first day at school)

PK TESTING: Q =  Do you remember your first day at school?

Q =How did you feel at the first day of school?

Q = Who was the first friend you made?

Q =  What you carry in your school bag?

 Q =  When you entered your class what did you like?

 Q= Tell 5 sentence on your school?                                                                    Announcment of the topicAfter checking the previous knowledge of the students teacher will announce the topic “Well students today we read the poem”First dat at school”.

Activity I:

The teacher will ask the students about their first day at school . Healthy discussion will also be done in class. Now teacher will recite the poem  with correct pause & stress and students are asked to follow the same. Teacher can ask them to use finger to follow the lines and underline the difficult words. Teacher will translate the difficult words in simple language.  The teacher will give everyone a chance to recite the poem  and ensuring accuracy while reciting .

Activity II:

Now teacher will give the students some vocabulary words from chapter and students will make their own poem by using these vocabulary words.

Activity III:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Listen and enjoy the video song ‘ First day at school’


Q) What does the child in the poem think about his drawing?

Q) What does the Child wonder about his teacher?

Q) Do you think the child would like to carry his puppy to school?

Q) Do you have a pet at home who wants for you to come back from school?

Q) What did you enjoy doing the most?

Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.                                          WRITTEN TEST

a) Opposite words:-                                                                          (3 marks)

1. Good



    b) Word Meanings:-                                                                          (3 marks)

           1. Wonder

           2. Stares

           3. Gran

    c) Make sentences:-                                                                           (5 marks)

          1. Drawing

           2. Wonder


           4. Gran

           5. Puppy

d) Rhyming words:-                                                                               (4 marks)

          1. Good            2.  Gran                3.  Stare                  4. full


·        Students are able to summaries the poem in their own words.  Students are able to know the importance of school.

·        Students are able to remember the first day of school.

·        Students are able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.

·        Students are able to develop love and care for animals

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