Monday, January 20, 2020

Ch-funny bunny

                                                             Lesson Plan
Subject: English                                                 Book Name: Marigold (NCERT)
Topic:Ch- Funny Bunny                                    Class: II
Subject Objective: 1.To enrich the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.        2.To enhance the new vocabulary words                                                      
3.To make correct use of grammar. 
4.Enable the students to read chapter with proper pronunciation, pauses etc.
Lesson objective:
·        Students will be able to summaries the story in their own words. 
·        Students will be able to know about creature in nature.
·        Students will develop the habit of don’t trust anyone without knowing the truth.
·        Students will be able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.
·        Students will develop love and care for animals.
funny-bunny,lesson plan funny bunny

Vocabulary: nut, ouch, met, off, animal, I’m, I’ll, we’re
Life skills: giving and receiving, analysis, response, understanding
Social norms: sharing, co-operation, kindness, understanding        
Senses used: eyes, ears, skin, tongue
Teaching material: teacher’s knowledge, books, green board, projector etc.
Teaching techniques: Explanation of the poem
Art integration: Students will make the mask of animals with the help of craft teacher.
·        Role play
PK TESTING: Q =  Name the animal you liked the most. Why?
Q = Which animal is the king of animals?
Q =What  do you like best about your school?
Q = Name any five animals?
 Q = How do we know if someone is real?
 Q= What is the difference between bunny and animal?
Announcment of the topicAfter checking the previous knowledge of the students teacher will announce the topic “ Well students today we will read the chapter “Funny Bunny.”
Activity I:
Teacher will show the mind map to the class and allow the children to imagine the story. Elicit from the students, the context and sequence of  the events and ask them to guess the conversations in the story. Before inviting children to tell a story, the teacher can follow a set of preliminary activities to generate ideas and elicit vocabulary. Healthy discussion will also be done in class.
Activity II:
Ask the children to identify the objects present in the images. List the names of the objects on the board. Teacher will help the children to generate ideas by asking multiple questions. The teacher can give instructions in Hindi if necessary. In case the children are unaware of the words in English, they can respond in Hindi as well. Invite the children to step in front of the class and ask them to read the words on the board. Ensure that every child is responding and participating in all the activities.
Activity III:
To enhance their imagination regarding the image, the teacher can follow the same process of asking multiple questions. It could be; Can you imagine the conversation they exchanged? Where are they going? Why are they running? Do you run to school? Go through all the words/sentences written on the board. Encourage each child to tell a story based on the images. At the end,  the teacher, too, can come up with her own version. Make the students enact a role play of the story developed by them. This can be a group work.
Q) Who accompanied funny bunny at first?
Q) What did fall on funny bunny ?
Q) Who was Henny Penny?
Q)To whom did funny bunny want to inform?
Q) What happened to all the animals in the end?
Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.
                                                       WRITTEN TEST
A) 1. Circle the odd one out.                                                       (5 marks)
b)Fill in the blanks with the correct word.                                (5 marks)
 I read a funny story of a funny rabbit. One day, a nut ____________ (fell/fall) on his head. He thought that the sky ___________ (is/was) falling. So, he ___________ (go/went) to tell the King. On the way, he met different animals. All of them ____________ (join/joined) him. At last, they ___________ (meet/met) a clever fox. It took them to a forest and ____________ (eat/ate) them all up.
c) Rearrange these words to form sentences –                            (5 marks)
1. on/Funny Bunny/fell/a/nut/one day. _____________________________________________
2. falling/down/the/sky/is/said/Funny Bunny. _____________________________________________
3. King/I/must/the/tell. _____________________________________________
4. lives/here/the/King. _____________________________________________
d) Change only one letter of each word and make another rhyming word. For example : Fell Tell                                                                            (5 marks)
e) Opposite words:-                                                                          (3 marks)
·        Students are able to summaries the story in their own words. 
·        Students are able to know about creature in nature.
·        Students are able to develop the habit of don’t trust anyone without knowing the truth.
·        Students are able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.
·        Students are able to develop love and care for animals

Application (Urgent work)

                                                             Lesson  plan
Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Application (Urgent work)
Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3

       To develop positive attitude towards learning.
        To enhance the new vocabulary and pronunciation.
       To enrich the reading skills.
       To enhance the grammatical knowledge.
Students will be able to
       To make them able to understand the format of a letter.
       Students will be able to write more application of the same type.
       Students will be able to know about the pattern of the application.
       To enable the students to develop an Application effectively.
lesson plan of application urgent work

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking
Social norms:  understanding , Sharing
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic
Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board
Teaching strategies: Discussion cum explanation method, lecture method.
Vocabulary: Few examples are given :
1.      Urgent
2.      Kindly
3.      Because
4.      Respected
5.      Obediently
6.      Grant
7.      Subject
Activity I Pk testing: Before starting the Application teacher will ask some questons:-
Q: Where do you go to learn?
Q: Who is the head of the school?
Q: How the students convey their message to Principal?
Q: Have you ever take leave from school?
 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn about how to write an application ( Urgent work)
Activity II:
Heading part:-
Teacher will say to the students that the addressing lines of the application is written on the top left corner of the page. Then teacher will write it on the blackboard.
Body of the Application:-
Teacher will tell the students that in the body of the application we write the middle part of the Application. Teacher will write it on the blackboard.
Now teacher will explain the closing line of the application. It should be written on left hand side.
Activity III
Teacher will ask students to write on their notebook.
1.      Which step comes first to write an application?
2.      What do we mention after the heading?
3.      Where we will write the body of the application?
4.      What is the fourth step of writing an application?
5.      Which are the closing line of the application?

Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.
                                                       WRITTEN TEST
A. Write the difficult words from application.                                                    (10 marks)

b. Rewrite the sentence and use correct punctuation mark:-                             (10 marks)
    1. i am a students of II class_______________       6.the crow is on the tree_______________
    2. i am ill   ________________                        it very hot______________________
    3. kindly grant me leave for one day__________      8.i have a new dress________________
    4. respected  ma’am ______________________       9.where is my apple_________________
    5. what is the title of the book _______________  10. when is your birthday_______________
LEARNING OUTCOME              
       Students are able to write application by ownselves.
       Students are  able to write more application of the same type..
       Students are able to know about the pattern of the application.
       Students are able to develop an  application effectively.

Topic: Words Replacing noun

                                               LESSON PLAN
Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Words Replacing  noun
Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3

·         To develop students interest about grammar.
·         They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.
·         They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.
Students will be able to
·         Students will be able to identify the Replacing noun.
·         Students will be able to use the correct Replacing noun.
·         They will be able to give more example of Pronoun.
·         They will be able to construct sentence by using these words.
words replacing noun,lesson plan pronoun
words replacing noun

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking
Social norms:  understanding , Sharing , Co-operation
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic
Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card
Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method.
Vocabulary: Few examples are given :
1.      Pronoun
2.      Replacing
3.      Nouns
4.      He
5.      She
6.      Them
7.      You
Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing  the Replacing noun:
1. How do we describe a noun?
2. What is the noun of replace?
3. Give some example of pronoun?
4.Does pronoun use to avoid the repetition of  a noun?
 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn about Replacing noun.
Activity II:
  • Teacher will explain to the students that a pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.
  • Teacher will write the following pronouns on the board: he, she, her, him, I, you, we, and they.
  • Have students demonstrate with their partner what these pronouns mean by identifying them in the room.

Activity III  Teacher will Use flashcards to review again what a pronoun is, and will teach the class the definition. Then, direct the students to use the pronouns in a new sentence replacing the first one.
  • She will take test  of students verbally by giving examples and non examples of pronouns.
  • Direct the  students to give a thumbs up or thumbs down on the right and wrong uses of pronouns that you give.
  • Enrichment: Use pronouns in a class story, and make it into a play to demonstrate in front of the class.
  • Support: Have students point to the pronouns in the class instead of writing them.
1.      What is Replacing noun?
2.      Where does we use pronoun?
3.      Give some examples of pronoun?
4.      How do you avoid the repetition  of noun?
Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.
                                                  WRITTEN TEST
A. Fill in the blanks with he, she, it, we or they. One has been done for you.          (5marks)
1. Sheena is crying because ______ has lost her pen.
2. This knife of of no use.______ is blunt.
3. Look at the pictures. Aren’t __________ lovely?
4. I met David.__________ was at the magic show.
5. David and Matt are standing together. __________ are good friends.
B. Tick the correct sentence in each set. One has been done for you.                   (5 marks)
1.(a)We saw Lisa. She was with her mother.____
   (b)We saw Lisa. It was with her mother.____
2. (a) Poor Mary! They have high fever. ____
    (b)Poor Mary! She has high fever.______
3. (a)Ted is a kind boy. She helps everyone.____
    (b)Ted is a kind boy. He helps everyone.____
4. (a)Where are Zeba and Hina? Are they coming?____
   (b)Where are Zeba and Hina? Is she coming?______
5. (a)Mother is thirsty. It wants a glass of water._______
    (b)Mother is thirsty. She wants a glass of water._______
C. Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.
LEARNING OUTCOME              
·         Students are able to identify the Replacing noun.
·         Students are able to use the correct Replacing noun.
·         They are able to give more example of Pronoun.
·         They are able to construct sentence by using these words.