Monday, January 20, 2020

Topic: Words Replacing noun

                                               LESSON PLAN
Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Words Replacing  noun
Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3

·         To develop students interest about grammar.
·         They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.
·         They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.
Students will be able to
·         Students will be able to identify the Replacing noun.
·         Students will be able to use the correct Replacing noun.
·         They will be able to give more example of Pronoun.
·         They will be able to construct sentence by using these words.
words replacing noun,lesson plan pronoun
words replacing noun

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking
Social norms:  understanding , Sharing , Co-operation
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic
Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card
Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method.
Vocabulary: Few examples are given :
1.      Pronoun
2.      Replacing
3.      Nouns
4.      He
5.      She
6.      Them
7.      You
Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing  the Replacing noun:
1. How do we describe a noun?
2. What is the noun of replace?
3. Give some example of pronoun?
4.Does pronoun use to avoid the repetition of  a noun?
 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn about Replacing noun.
Activity II:
  • Teacher will explain to the students that a pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.
  • Teacher will write the following pronouns on the board: he, she, her, him, I, you, we, and they.
  • Have students demonstrate with their partner what these pronouns mean by identifying them in the room.

Activity III  Teacher will Use flashcards to review again what a pronoun is, and will teach the class the definition. Then, direct the students to use the pronouns in a new sentence replacing the first one.
  • She will take test  of students verbally by giving examples and non examples of pronouns.
  • Direct the  students to give a thumbs up or thumbs down on the right and wrong uses of pronouns that you give.
  • Enrichment: Use pronouns in a class story, and make it into a play to demonstrate in front of the class.
  • Support: Have students point to the pronouns in the class instead of writing them.
1.      What is Replacing noun?
2.      Where does we use pronoun?
3.      Give some examples of pronoun?
4.      How do you avoid the repetition  of noun?
Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.
                                                  WRITTEN TEST
A. Fill in the blanks with he, she, it, we or they. One has been done for you.          (5marks)
1. Sheena is crying because ______ has lost her pen.
2. This knife of of no use.______ is blunt.
3. Look at the pictures. Aren’t __________ lovely?
4. I met David.__________ was at the magic show.
5. David and Matt are standing together. __________ are good friends.
B. Tick the correct sentence in each set. One has been done for you.                   (5 marks)
1.(a)We saw Lisa. She was with her mother.____
   (b)We saw Lisa. It was with her mother.____
2. (a) Poor Mary! They have high fever. ____
    (b)Poor Mary! She has high fever.______
3. (a)Ted is a kind boy. She helps everyone.____
    (b)Ted is a kind boy. He helps everyone.____
4. (a)Where are Zeba and Hina? Are they coming?____
   (b)Where are Zeba and Hina? Is she coming?______
5. (a)Mother is thirsty. It wants a glass of water._______
    (b)Mother is thirsty. She wants a glass of water._______
C. Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.
LEARNING OUTCOME              
·         Students are able to identify the Replacing noun.
·         Students are able to use the correct Replacing noun.
·         They are able to give more example of Pronoun.
·         They are able to construct sentence by using these words.

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