Monday, January 20, 2020

Lesson plan of punctuation marks

Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Punctuation
Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3

·         To develop students interest about grammar.
·         They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.
·         They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.
Students will be able to
·         Students will be able to identify the Punctuation marks.
·         Students will be able to use the correct sign of punctuation.
·         They will be able to put the sign of full stop, question marks and capital letters.
·         They will be able to construct sentence by using these signs.

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking
Social norms:  understanding , Sharing , Co-operation
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic
Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card
Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method
Vocabulary: Few examples are given :
1.      Commas
2.      Full stop
3.      Question marks
4.      Capital
5.      Letters
6.      Sentences
7.      Punctuation
Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing  that Punctuation is usage of marks to make meanings of sentences clearer. Discussion questions include:
1. Tell me the name of some punctuation  marks?
2. Tell the name of punctuation mark that we will use with these words(apple banana orange pear  grapes)?
3. Which punctuation mark will be used after interrogative sentence?
4. Which punctuation mark  will be used to put a pause in a sentence.
 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn about Punctuations.
Activity II:
Now teacher will tell the students that a sentence start with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. A question sentence ends in a question mark(?).
Full stop, question mark and use of capital letters in a sentence is called punctuation.
Activity III Now teacher will write down few non-punctuated sentences on the board(eg. we are going to movie on april 4) Now students will add punctuation marks to the sentences.(eg. We are going to movie on April 4).
1.      What is Punctuation?
2.      Where does we use full stop?
3.      Which word we use to replaced the last comma?
4.      Where does we use question mark?
Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.
                                                  WRITTEN TEST
A. Tick the options that show the correct use of capita letters and full stop for the underlined words.                                                                                                (10marks)
1. The fireworks on Independence day are beautiful.
a. Independence Day
b. independence day
c. Independence day
2. i did not go to school yesterday because I was sick.
a. I did
b. I did
c. I Did
3. Mary Was born on January 12, 1994.
a. mary was
b. mary Was
c. Mary was
4. The third month of the year is march
a. is March. March.
c. is march.
B. Add full stops or question marks in the sentences and capitalization the letters wherever necessary                                                                                                                    (10 marks)
1.samantha went skiing on the mountains with her mother
2.we are going to a movie on april 4
3. where do you stay
4. what is your name
5.when did you come
6.cows give us milk we make curd and butter from the milk.
7. we cannot live without the sun
8. the lion is the largest of the big cats
9.most of the lions live in hot forest
10. the sun gives us light and heat
D.Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.
LEARNING OUTCOME              
·         Students are able to identify the punctuation.
·         Students  are able to use the correct sign of puctuation.
·         They are able to put the sign of full stop, question marks and capital letters.
·         They are able to construct sentence by using these signs.

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