Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Experiential learning based Lesson Plan On English Poem - Zoo manners


                                                 Lesson Plan 

Subject: English                                              Month: July

Topic: Poem-Zoo manners                             Class: II

Subject and art integrated- English, EVS, Music, GK, Craft


·        Students will be able to summaries the poem in their own words. 

·        They will be able to know the importance of manners.

·        They will be able to know about the food habits of animals.

·        To know about the amazing fact of animals.

·        To develop kindness towards animals.


·        Talk about Colour, food habit, Size,Sounds of animals.

·        Know about amazing facts of animals.

·        Pay close attention towards animals.

·        Make the animal scrap book.

·        Students are able to know the importance of Zoo manners.


PK TESTING: Q =  Have you been to a Zoo?

Q = Name the animals which you have seen in a zoo?

Q = Name the animal you liked the most. Why?

Q = Did you feed any animals at the Zoo?

 Q = Should we tease animals?                                                                

 Methodology of Activity

 Activity I (EVS):

Introducing animals-Teacher will  begin the lesson by showing videos of animals. She will introduce them to the elephant, rabbit, bear, chimpanzee, camel and deer. For each animal there could be a discussion on their size, colour, sounds of young ones and  food habits. Afterthat  students will compare one animal with another.

For Eg: Elephant Vs Rabbit
An Elephant is a big animal
A Rabbit is a small animal
An Elephant is black in colour
A Rabbit is white in colour
An Elephant eats sugarcane
A Rabbit eats carrots
An Elephant has large ears
A Rabbit has long ears
An Elephant has a long trunk
A Rabbit has a bushy tail

 They can use Hindi where needed , teacher could help them say it in English.

Activity II (English):

Teacher will recite the poem  with correct pause & stress and students are asked to follow the same. Teacher can ask them to use finger to follow the lines and underline the difficult words. Teacher will translate the difficult words in simple language.  The teacher will give everyone a chance to recite the poem  and ensuring accuracy while reciting . Healthy discussion will also be done in class.


Now teacher will give the students some vocabulary and rhyming  words from poem and students will make their own poem by using these words.


Activity III (Music):

Students should will listen and enjoy the video song ‘Zoo manners’.

Activity IV(Craft/GK):                                                                                   Preparing  Animal  Profiles – Group Activity
Teacher will divide the class into small groups of two or three. Each group may be given an animal which they have seen in the video . They have to make a profile of the given animal. The profile may contain:

  •  A Collage of the animal
  •  Colour of the animal
  • Food habit of the animal
  •  Habitat of the animal
  •  Amazing facts about the animal


·        Students are able to summaries the poem in their own words. 

·        Students are able to know the importance of manners.

·        They are able to know about the food habit of animals.

·        Students are able to know about the amazing fact of animals.

·        They are able to develop Kindness towards animals.


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