Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on grammar topic- Joining words or Conjunctions


                                            Lesson plan

Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Joining words

Subject: English                                                                       Period required: 2-3



·        To develop students interest about grammar.

·        They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.

·        They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.


Students will be able to

·        Students will be able to identify the joining words.

·        Students will be able to use the correct joining words.

·        They will be able to give more example of conjunctions.

·        They will be able to construct sentence by using these words.

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking

Social norms:  understanding , Sharing , Co-operation

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic

Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card


Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method


Art Integration:

With teacher the students will  draw following picture.

Vocabulary: Few examples are given :

1.      Conjunction

2.      Because

3.      And

4.      But

5.      Or

6.      Yet

7.      Until

Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing  the joining words:

1. What is conjunction?

2. Tell the some example of joining words?

3. Where does we use but & and?

4. He is intelligent_____ careless. 

5.Which joining word will use in this sentence?

 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn about joining words.

Activity II:

Now teacher will tell the students that conjunctions are words used to join other words, group of words and sentences.

We use and to join words and sentences when they express similar meaning or idea.

We use but to join sentences when they express the opposite meaning or idea.

We use Or to join sentences which show choice or preference.

Activity III Now teacher will write down few sentences on the board(eg. He sells tea___coffee.) Now students will fill the correct joining word in this sentences.(eg. He sells tea and coffee).


1.      What is Conjunctions?

2.      Where does we use And?

3.      Which joining word will use to express the opposite meaning or idea?

4.      Where does we use Or?

Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.

                                                  WRITTEN TEST

A. Choose the correct joining word from brackets and fill in the blanks.            (10marks)

1. We have a dog___________ a cat. (and/or)

2. The clock is old,____________ it works very well. (or/but)

3. Mrs. Sharma _________ Mr. Sharma go to the park together. (and/but)

4. I saw Sanjay, ______________ he didn’t see me. (or/but)

5. Would you like orange juice _____________ apple juice ? (but/or)

6. She dropped the plate ________________ it broke into pieces. (but/and)

7. He is rich ____________ unhapply. (or/but)

8. He knows both Hindi ____________ Telugu. (and/but)

9. She would like to come _________ she can’t. (or/but)

10. Zeba understand French ______________ can’t speak. (and/but)

B. Tick the sentences with the correct joining word in each pair.                    (10 marks)

1.(a)They fell down and did not get hurt.____

   (b)They fell down but did not get hurt.____

2. (a)Garima and Neetu went to Shimla ____

    (b)Garima or Neetu went to Shimla______

3. (a)My room is small and neat____

    (b)My room is small or neat____

4. (a)I will bring both pastries and patties for the party.____

   (b)I will bring both pastries or patties for the party.______

5. (a)Lee wrote the cheque but didn’t sign it._______

    (b)Lee wrote the cheque but didn’t sign it._______

D. Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.

LEARNING OUTCOME                

·        Students are able to identify the joining words.

·        Students are able to use the correct joining words.

·        They are able to give more example of conjunctions.

·        They are able to construct sentence by using these words.


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