Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on english story 'The Grasshopper and the Ant'


Lesson Plan 

Subject: English                                                   Book Name: Marigold (NCERT)

Topic: The Grasshopper and the Ant                  Class- 2

 Subject Objective:  : To enrich the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

                                  : To enhance the new vocabulary words

                                : To make correct use of grammar.

Lesson objective:

·       Students will be able to summaries the story in their own words. 

·       Students will be able to know the importance of   hard work in the life.

·       Students will develop habit of hardworking.

·       Students will be able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.

·       Students will develop love and care for animals.


Vocabulary:    replied, arrived , slammed, starve, hardworking, tiniest    

 Life skills:    giving and receiving, analysis, response, understanding

 Social norms:   sharing, co-operation, respect

 Senses used:    eyes, ears, skin

 Teaching material:  Images, real life examples, book, green board, video etc.

Art integration: Draw the picture of The Grasshopper and Ant on notebook.

Teaching techniques:  Teacher will start the lesson by welcoming students and ask some questions to check their previous knowledge.

Pk Testing:- Checking prior knowledge

 Picture interaction-

 Teacher will show the picture of Ants carrying and then question will be asked from students.

  • What do you see in the picture? 
  • What are the ants carrying? 
  • Where are the ants carrying all the food? 
  • When we get food, do we eat it or store it? 
  • Why are the ants storing the food? 
  • Why do you think the ants are working so hard?
  • Do you work hard to get good marks in exam? 

Announcment of the topic After checking the previous knowledge of the students teacher will announce the topic “ Well students today we read the chapter” The grasshopper and ant.

 Sparking Curiosity Teacher will create interest and curiosity among the students by asking some questions-

1.    Who among you here have seen an ant?

2.    Oh! All of you. What can you say about it? Is it friendly?(expected ans-No)

3.    Why? Ouch! I have also bitten by the ant and its so itchi right?

4.    Now, Who among you here have seen a grasshopper?

5.    What can you say about it? Is it friendly?(expected ans-Yes)

This time. We will watch the video of The grasshopper and the Ant.

 Pre Activity phase

The teacher will show video prior to start lesson to build background knowledge about the lesson topic.  Videos also develop their interest and hook them into wanting to know more.

 Teaching Strategies

Explanation method, Discussion and question/answer method.

 Providing the experience

Teacher will tell the students about what she saw in her backyard.

 "Yesterday I went in my backyard and I saw lots of insects.  I saw these little black ants, they were everywhere.  Some were carrying leaves and food.I wonder what they were doing, do you know?"

 I will get many silly answers, but at least one of the students will have the right answer.

 "Oh, so they are collecting food.  I saw some helping each other carry a big piece of a leaf.  Does that mean they work together to collect food?  Oh.  Why do you think they collect food?  (someone always knows this answer too)  Oh, they collect it to eat later?  Oh that is a good idea".

" I also saw a big green grasshopper.  It was all by himself.  He was eating on a bush.  I tried to catch him but he hopped and flew over the fence.  The grasshopper was different then the ants.  He was alone and was not collecting food for later.   I wonder what he eats when the bushes are all dried up in the winter time? " 

Then teacher will ask the students to go at their backyard and observe  the ants carrying food and where are they going, are they working together.

Drawing inference:           

Teacher will show some images of ant and grasshopper to the students. They will make circle map on plain page and find some adjectives of quality from the pictures and write in circle.

Like-: hardworking

: lazy

: kind

: responsible

: irresponsible

: cheerful

: playful

Connecting to the real life:  Teacher will brainstorm the students by relate the story to making good choice.She will discuss the actions and choices of the ants and the grasshopper. How the ants felt sorry for the grasshopper and let him in their warm home with lots of food.  

"That was very nice of the ants to share with the grasshopper.I want to know what you would do if you were the grasshopper.  Would you help the ants?  Would you work hard?  Would you play?  Would you not help?  She will guide them to write their  ideas  answers on a circle map."

 Art integration:

Students will draw the picture of  The grasshopper and the ant on their notebooks and will colour it.

Evaluation tool: 

·       Worksheet

·       Oral test

·       Written test

·       Note book work


AAnswer the following questions:-

Q) What were the ants doing?

Q) Why are they storing food ?

Q) Does the grasshopper also store food?

Q) What was the grasshopper doing?

Q)What happened when winter came?

Q)Did the grasshopper find anything  to eat in the winter?

Q)Are you happy with the ending?

Q)What would you have done if you were the ant?

Q)Would you have helped the grasshopper?

Q)Can the story end any other way?


·       Students are able to summaries the story in their own words.

·        Students are able to know the importance of   hard work in the life.

·       Students are able to develop habit of hardworking.

·       Students are able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.

·       Students are develop love and care for animals.

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