Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan 'Sense of smell'


                                                  Lesson Plan

Topic:Smell                                                                              Class:II

Subject Objective:1.To enrich the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.                                                  

   2.To enhance the new vocabulary words                                                                    3.Students will be able to record data using their sense of smell.

4.Enable the students to communicate observation orally.

Lesson objective:

·        Students will be able to learn about the sense of smell.

·         Students will be able to know about sense of organs.

·        Students will learn that we breathe in the air and our brain makes sense of what we smell.

·        The students will learn how to protect our noses and how our noses can protect us.

·        Students will be able to enhance their imagination power.

Vocabulary:Sense, Nose, Smell, Cinnamon, Organ.

Life skills: thinking, analysis, response, understanding

Social norms:sharing,co-operation, kindness, understanding,

Senses used: eyes, ears,skin, tongue,nose

Teaching materialteacher’s knowledge,Video,some smelling items (Onion,banana,lemon,flower,Orange,coffee,cinnamon) , container etc.

Teaching techniquesExplanation method

Art integration:  # Draw the object that they smell in their bedroom.

  # Make a flower from colorful tissue and a green pipe cleaner.Spray  some perfume

 On it. Draw and cut out a bee to sit on the flower. Make a bouquet of flowers.


Q =  What are the five sense organs?

Q=Which body part help you to smell?

Q = How do you smell?

Q =Which smell do you like most?

Q = Name the things that smell bad?

 Q = Does smells travel through the air?


Announcment of the topicAfter checking the previous knowledge of the students teacher will announce the topic “ Well students today we will learn about the sense of smell. ” Students you breathe in through your nostrils , the two openings at the end

Of your nose. The nose sends messages to your brain and the brain tells you what you smell. Your sense of smell and taste are connected. If you have a stuffy nose your food will taste different  because you cannot smell it. Our sense of smell is lost when we have a cold because our nose gets  blocked.

Activity I: Teacher will tell the students that our sense of smell is in our nose We all have noses, and animals have noses too. She will Show photos of lots of people noses, different shapes and sizes, and will how animal noses, such as dog, cat, elephant, pig, bird (nostrils), horse etc.

The teacher will ask the students to take different item like onion, soap, garlic, orange and smell the contents and name it and describe the smell.

She will tell smells not only good but there are also some smells that we might not like as much. Like dirty socks, bad food, heavy smoke. Sometimes a strong smell might warn us of a danger of some kind, for example, food burning on the stove.

Activity II: Ask the students to sit in a circle. Prepare the first item ( any – onion , perfume sprayed cotton ball, soap etc ) in the box. Pass the box around for the students to smell. Ask them to keep their answer a secret until everyone has had a turn to smell the item. Then ask the students what they think the item is. And now check how many guessed it right.

Activity III:

Teacher will make a  card activity – In which she write a name of some animals that have a strong sense of smell. Child will pick up a card, and describes what the animal might like to smell. For example, a dog might like to smell: dog food, water, bone, meat, cat, etc.


·        Which part of your body are you using to smell with?

·        Do certain smells bring back certain memories ?

·        What happens to your sense of smell when you have a cold ?

·        Share some of your favourite scents or things to smell.

Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test or in the form of some activities.

#  Divide the students into small groups, Give 4 or 5 container filled with different scent to each group.And ask the students to sniff each container and answer the following questions –

·        Identify the smell.

·        Decide if it is a good or bad smell.


·        Students are able to learn about the sense of smell.

·         Students are able to know about sense of organs.

·        Students are able to learn that we breathe in the air and our brain makes sense of what we smell.

·        The students are able to  learn how to protect our noses and how our noses can protect us.

·        Students are able to enhance their imagination power.

·        Students are able to know that the nose is responsible for the intake of scent from our environment.



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