Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on english Poem 'I am the music man'

                                           Lesson  plan

Class: 2                                                                           Topic: I am the music man

Subject: English                                                                Period required: 3-4


      To develop positive attitude towards learning.

      To enhance the new vocabulary and pronunciation

      To enrich the reading skills.

      To develop the habit of extensive listening.

      To enhance the grammatical knowledge.


Students will be able to

      To make them able to read correct pronunciation.

      Students will be able to identify rhyming words.

      Students will be able to learn how we can show our creativity through playing piano.

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking

Social norms:  understanding , importance of playing instruments , affection for music

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , Kinesthetic

Teaching Aids : Marigold Book, PPT, Video, green board

Teaching strategies: Discussion cum explanation method, lecture method

 Art Integration:

      With the help of art teacher the students will  draw  picture of  piano.

      Student will play their favorite instruments with the help of music teacher .

Vocabulary: Few examples are given :

1.     Far Away

2.     Drum

3.     Boom

4.     Piano

5.     Play

6.     Music man

Activity I Pk testing: Before starting the poem teacher  will ask some questions to check the previous knowledge of students:-

Q: Do you like your music period? Why?

Q: Do you like to play any musical instrument?

Q: Which is your favourite instrument?

Q:What would you like to learn- music,dance or karate?

Q: Have you play piano ever?                                                                                                           

II Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic  that today we are going to recite the poem ‘ On the blackboard I can draw’                                                 

Activity III: Poem recitation:

The teacher will recite the poem “I am the music man” from the book  and give knowledge to them about the musical instruments and the pleasure of playing instruments. The poem is recite with correct pause & stress and students are asked to follow the same. Teacher can ask them to use finger to follow the lines and underline the difficult words. Teacher will translate the poem in simple language.  The teacher will give everyone a chance to read  and ensuring accuracy while reciting .

Activity IV

Teacher will encourage students to draw their favorite instruments on their notebook.


Teacher will recite and explain the poem again and difficult words will also be revised and Teacher will ask some questions from poem:-

Q:Where does the music man come from?

Q:What are the two instruments that the music man can play?

 Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking some oral and written test.

                                               WRITTEN TEST

A. Write the word meanings of the followings:-                                   (4 marks)

1.Far                                                         2. Drum

      3.Music man                                            4. big

B. Do rhyming words:-                                                                       (3 marks)

1.     Away–                 

2.     Man-

3.     Far-    

C. Opposite words:-                                                                                  (3 marks)

1. Far-        

2. Big-        

3. Come-   

D. Change these words from singular to plural:                                      ( 5 marks)

1.Bench                                    2.Brush                                 3. Deer               

4.Glass                                     5.Box                                   6. Sheep

7.Bus                                        8.Tomato                         9.Tooth          10.Goose

                                                        ORAL TEST

Teacher will ask the students to recite poem without help of book.


      Students are able to recite the poem with correct pronunciation.

      Students are  able to identify rhyming words.

      Students are able to learn how they can show our creativity through drawing.






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