Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on english grammar topic 'Framing questions (Interrogative sentence).' How to form question sentence


                                              Lesson plan

Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Framing questions

Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3



·        To develop students interest about grammar.

·        They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.

·        They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.


Students will be able to

·        Students will be able to identify the question sentences.

·        Students will be able to use the sign of question mark after interrogative sentences.

·        They will be able to frame question correctly .

·        They will be able to construct more question sentences .

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking

Social norms:  Understanding , Sharing , Co-operation

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic

Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card


Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method


Art Integration:

With teacher the students will  draw following picture.

Vocabulary: Few examples are given :

1.      Framing

2.      What

3.      Question marks

4.      Where

5.      How

6.      When

7.      Why

Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing  that Punctuation is usage of marks to make meanings of sentences clearer. Discussion questions include:

1. How can we ask a question?

2. Tell me some examples of question words?

3. Name the five Wh question words?

4. What is the spellings of what,how,where and when?

 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn about Framing questions.

Activity II:

Now teacher will tell the students that today’s lesson will involve asking questions about rhyme. Now you will read a rhyme, and that after when you will finish reading, you will ask two question about what you have read.

Activity III Now teacher will write down few  sentences on the board and students will change it into the question.(eg. This is a chair.) Now students will make the question of this sentence(eg. What is this?).


1.      Tell some  interrogative sentences?

2.      Which sign we used at the last of the question sentence?

3.      Which word we use to asks about the person?

4.      Tell the question word which we used to asks about a particular thing?

Evaluation:  Teacher will enhance their knowledge by taking  some  written test.

                                                  WRITTEN TEST

A. Fill in the blanks with What, Who, Where or When.                            (20marks)

1. ___________________ are you doing?

2.___________________ called you?

3.___________________ are the CDs?

4. ___________________ is your birthday?

5. ___________________ colours is the sari?

6. ___________________ is Gopi?

7. ___________________ can repair it?

8. ___________________ did you buy it from?

9. ___________________ is that?

10. ___________________ are they going?

11. ___________________ will you have?

12. ___________________ were you at that time?

13. ___________________ do they live?

14___________________ do you get up?

15. ___________________ is sitting there?

16. ___________________ will you see him?

17. ___________________ did you wait?

18. ___________________ time is it?

19 ___________________ did you go home?

20. ___________________ time is it?

B.Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.

LEARNING OUTCOME                

·        Students are able to identify the question sentences.

·        Students are able to use the sign of question mark after interrogative sentences.

·        They are able to frame queston correctly .

·        They are able to construct more question sentences


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