Tuesday, September 22, 2020

lesson plan on english story 'The Mumbai musicians '


Lesson Plan 

Subject: English                                   Book Name: Marigold (NCERT) 

Topic: The Mumbai musicians                             Class: II

 Subject Objective: To enrich the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

                                      : To enhance the new vocabulary words

                                        : To make correct use of grammar.

Lesson objective:

§  Students will be able to summaries the story in their own words.

§  Students will learn to produce sound using different objects like

bench , tiffin , claps etc. Such familiarity with sounds and a chapter

on it is a definite relief and respite from the monotony of the boring


§  Students will be able to know the importance of   the   goals in the life.

§  Students will develop love and care for animals.

Vocabulary:    tired, musician, peeped, delicious, ghosts, scares    

 Life skills:    giving and receiving, analysis, response, understanding

 Social norms:   sharing, co-operation, respect

 Senses used:    eyes, ears, skin

 Teaching material:  teacher’s knowledge, books, green board, projector etc.

Teaching techniques:  Teacher will start the lesson by welcoming students and ask some questions to check their previous knowledge

Art integration: Role play

          Draw your favourite musical instrument on note book.

        Draw or paste the picture of donkey, cat, cock  and dog on your note book.


PK TESTING:    Q = What do you want to be in future?

                         Q =   Do you play any musical instrument?

                         Q =   Do you love animals?

                         Q =   Have you heard an animal sing?

Activity 1

Teacher will show the concept map to the class and allow the children to imagine the story. Elicit from the students, the context and sequence of the events and ask them to guess the conversations in the story. Before inviting children to tell a story, the teacher can follow a set of preliminary activities to generate ideas and elicit vocabulary. Healthy discussion will also be done in class.


Comprehension 1

  Once upon - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - musician there.

   A)     Word meanings

      1. Carried ------to take

      2. Dusty -------full of dust

      3. Musician-------- a person who plays music

  B)     Opposites

          1. Heavy --------light

          2  old------------- new

          3. Good--------- bad

  C)  Make sentences

    1. Tired --- I am feeling tired.

    2. Musician---- Monu would like to be a musician.

    3.Sack------ Gopu carried heavy sacks of corn .

    D) Question answers

Q1   Who was Goopu?

Ans   Goopu was a donkey.

Q 2   Where did Goopu work?

Ans  Goopu worked in the house of the farmer.

Q3   What had Goopu carried?

Ans  Goopu had carried heavy sacks of corn and sugarcane.

Q4   Where did Goopu decide to go and why?

Ans Goopu decided to go to Mumbai to become a musician.


Recapitalization          Teacher will read this comprehension  again.

Let's talk

Q) Do you think we must work hard?

 Q) What do you like to do in your free time ?

Comprehension ----2

On the.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   eat no more.

A) Word meanings

 1. Delicious ---------tasty

 2. Peeped------------ take a secret look

  3. Scared------------- afraid

 B) Question answers

Q1  Whom did Goopu meet on the way ?

Ans  Goopu met a dog ,cat and cock on the way.


Q2   Who was the ball of fur ?

Ans  Furry the cat was the ball of fur.


Q3  What was the name of their Music band ?

Ans The name of their band  was Mumbai musicians. 


Q4   What did they see inside the lighted house ? 

Ans  They saw delicious food on the table.


Q5  Why did all animals want to go Mumbai?

Ans They wanted to become a musician.


  C) Gender

                   1. king   =  queen

                   2. uncle =  aunt

                   3. grandfather =grandmother

                   4. mother  =  father

                   5. lion      = lioness

                  6. man       = woman


Teacher will read the comprehension again

Let's discuss some nouns____________________

      Q) Which words we use to frame or make a question ?

Evaluation by conducting QUIZ


Q = What is the name of the Chapter?

Q = Who is Goopu ?

Q =Whom did Goopu meet on the way ?

Q =What is the meaning of "Delicious " ?

Q =What was the name of their Music Band ?    


A) Fill in the blanks.

1.  Goopu went to _______ become a musician.

2.  A ______ , ________ and a cock joined Goopu.

3.  People thought ________ had come to scare them .

4.  Goopu worked in the house of ________ .

B)   Make new words by joining two words  e:g

   News + paper = newspaper

1.   tooth + paste =

2.   time + table =

3.   car + pet =

4.   foot + ball =

C)     Gender

1.  Mother =

2.  Uncle =

3.  Grandfather =

4.  King =



1   .Students are able to summaries the story in their own words.

         2.  Students are able to know the importance of the goals in the life.

3.   Love and care for animals developed among the students.

4.   Students are able  to produce sound using different objects like  bench , tiffin , claps etc. Such familiarity with sounds and a chapter on it is a definite relief and respite from the monotony of the  boring chapters.


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