Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on grammar topic ' The Past (Was/Were)' for junior classes


                               Lesson Plan 

Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: The past

Subject:English                                                                       Period  required: 2-3



·        They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.

·        They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.

·        To develop students interest about grammar.


Students will be able to

·        Students will be able to identify the verb was/were.

·        Students will be able to use the verb was/were.

·        They will be able to give more example of was/were.

·        They will be able to construct sentence by using the past form.

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking

Social norms:  Understanding , Sharing , Co-operation

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic

Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card


Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method


Art Integration:

With the help of art teacher the students will  draw pictures of some past activities.


Vocabulary: Few examples are given :

1.      Past

2.      Last week

3.      Yesterday

4.      Morning

5.      ago

6.      Evening

7.      Tomorrow

Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will begin the lesson by discussing The past form. Discussion questions include:

1. What is doing words? (Previous lesson)

2. Are there different kind of verbs ?

3. Tell me the name of some helping verbs?

4. Which helping verb we use for action in the past?

 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn the verb Was/Were.

Activity II:

Now teacher will tell the students that verb forms change when an action takes place in the past. Was and were are helping verbs that we use for actions in the past. We use Was with singular nouns and he, she, it. We use Were with plural nouns and we, they. I and U always take the verb have.

Activity III

To talk about actions that took place in the past, we use the past form of the doing words. This is done by adding –d or –ed to the verb. Such as play +ed –played and close + d – closed.


1.      What is singular noun?

2.      What is plural noun?

3.      Can we use was with plural nouns?

4.      Which is the past form of is/am/are?

5.      Name some five helping verbs?


Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.


                                                       WRITTEN TEST

A. Rewrite the sentences by replacing Is/Am/Are with Was/Were :-                    (5 marks)

1. I am a student.                         _____________________________________

2. Neha is a singer.                      _____________________________________

3.She is a dancer.                         ______________________________________

4. We are classmates.                  ______________________________________

5. You are a good writes             ______________________________________

B. Fill in the blanks with Was or Were.                                                      (10 marks)            

  1. I _______________ tired yesterday.

  2. We _______________not at school last week.

  3. You ________________ not at home yesterday.

  4. They ___________  in the London last year.

  5. He_______________ angry when he saw her.

  6. It___________ cold yestreday.

  7.  She________________ sleepy a little while ago.

  8. Last Sunday it_______________ hot.

  9. They ______________ at the gate ten minutes ago.

  10. He _____________ sad yesterday.

C. Add –d or –ed to the doing words given in brackets :                                    (5 marks)

1. Aisha _____________ the project yesterday.   (finish)

2. The teacher ______________ the boys. (scold)

3.Mother __________________ my homework. (check)

4. No one _________________ me at my work. (help)

5.The thief ______________up the wall and escaped. (climb)

D.Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.

LEARNING OUTCOME                

·        Students  are able to identify the verb was/were.

·        Students  are able to use the verb was/were.

·        They  are  able to give more example of was/were.

·        They are able to construct sentence by using past form.





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