Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lesson plan on paragraph 'My school picnic'

                                               Lesson Plan of Term 1

Class: 2                                                                                    Topic: Paragraph-My school picnic

Subject:English                                                                       Period required: 2-3



·        To develop students interest about grammar.

·        They get knowledge about the skills of grammar.

·        They will be able to recall and recognize the different parts of speech.


Students will be able to

·        Students will be able to recognize and recall the sentences.

·        Students will be able to understand the formation of sentences.

·        They will be able to add new sentences in paragraph.

·        They will be able to organise their experiences and feelings related to daily life.

Life Skills: Understanding, analysis, creative  thinking

Social norms:  understanding , Sharing , Co-operation

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal , Visual , linguistic, Kinesthetic

Teaching Aids :  PPT, Video, green board , Chart, Flash card


Teaching strategies: Learning by doing, Explanation ,Illustration method


Art Integration:

With the help of art teacher the students will  draw pictures of school picnic.


Vocabulary: Few examples are given :

1.      Last

2.      Saturday

3.      Picnic

4.      Reached

5.      Assembled

6.      Beautiful

7.      Different


Activity I Pk testing: Teacher will  discussion some questions to check the previous knowledge of students:

1.Do you like to spend time with your school friends?

2. What happen in your school after exams?

3. Where do you like to go in vacations?

4. What type of weather is  best for picnic?

5. Give some cooking ideas for a picnic?

 Announcement of the Topic: After this discussion teacher will announce the topic by saying ,” Well students today we will learn the verb has/have/had.

Activity II:

Now teacher will tell the students that today we will learn how to compose a  paragraph on “our school picnic to Nikku park.” Teacher will tell the students that school picnic is a source of entertainment. Now teacher will be instruct the students to develop a paragraph by themselves, under the teacher’s supervision.


Q: On which day our school organized a trip?

Q:At what time students reached the school?

Q:Are Students come in school uniform?

Q:How many kinds of flowers are there in park?

Q:Did students enjoy the picnic?


Evaluation:  Teacher will asses their knowledge by taking  some  written test.


                                                       WRITTEN TEST

A. Rewrite the sentences by using correct punctuation :-                    (5 marks)

1. last sunday we went to a school picnic  _________________________________

2.all students assembled  at the playground_________________________________

3.teachers divided them in two groups______________________________________

4.all of them enjoyed different rides______________________________________

5.We spent three hour here              ______________________________________

B. Underline the pronoun and circle the noun.                                                      (10 marks)            

 1.I reached the school at 8.30 am.

2.We went to school without uniform.

3.Teachers divided us in two groups.

4.Students sang and clapped in the way to nikku park.

5.It is the most beautiful place of Jalandhar.

6.We enjoyed different rides.

7.There were several kinds of flowers.

8.We spent three hours here.

9.It was the most memorable trip of my life.

10. I never forget this trip.

C)Write the correct article in the blanks:                                                                (5 marks)

1. Lisa put _______ orange on her basket.

2.I quickly ate ________ cookies.

3.Jack gave his teacher ________ apple.

4.We visited ________ Taj Mahal in June.

5.________ toys are important for children.

D.Separate worksheet will be given to complete with the help of picture.


·        Students  are able to recognize and recall the sentences.

·        Students are able to understand the formation of sentences.

·        They are able to add new sentences in paragraph.

·        They are able to organise their experiences and feelings related to daily life.





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